Hoarding or preserving?

I love to read, and I love to get back to articles, books, essays that I have already read. So I have my own Linkwarden instance that is hoarding a lot of articles and blogposts and so on that I have read and I think that I would want to get back to.

Is it already a hoarding or preserving them for future? For others? For ... authors even?

I don't know.

What I know is size of my database, size of files on disk and that I will need another disk in near future. But is it already a hoarding? I have a lot of blogposts that are so outdated that I should have not add them in the first place. I have even videos from conferences that have been outdated on the day of recording. But I know that maybe some day, someone would want to get it. Like I had some live shows recorded from YouTube that authors lost and I had this nice opportunity to share with them my collection of their lives. It was funny for both sides.


Now I am adding even more hoarding tools -> my RSS reader have this nice "star"/"fav" button, and all articles that I am starring are going to be added to linkwarden without any more steps from me. Just "starred mean hoarded".

Will it be useful anywhere in future? I doubt it.

But the tool will be a nice addon to my life, and i will feel safe about all these stupid stuff that I am starring in reader.

Have a nice day.